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Hours & Location

160 State Street,
Boston, MA 02109



The Black Rose is located at 160 State Street just steps away from Faneuil Hall – Quincy Market. We are also located within minutes walking distance from the Aquarium, Greenway, Harbor Cruises and the North End. Ample parking is available close by at the Aquarium Parkade.

The closest T stops are the Blue Line (Aquarium Station) and the Orange Line (State Street Station).


160 State Street,
Boston, MA 02109

857 465-4100


St. Patrick's Weekend Hours 

Saturday 3.15 9am-CL 

Sunday 3.16 9am-CL

Monday 3.17 9am-CL


Sunday: 10:00am-11:00pm 

Monday-Wednesday: 11:00am-12:00am 

Thursday-Friday: 11:00am-2:00am 

Saturday 10:00am-2:00am

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